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Evidence accumulates to the effect that notwithstanding junk food, reality TV and celebrity culture, humanity is actually getting smarter. The Flynn Effect to which this article refers mentions the phenomenon associated with New Zealand-based philosopher James Flynn, who has built a thoughtful and engaging career on his early observation about rising IQs worldwide over the […]
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Swiss researchers based in Geneva and Lausanne have successfully applied a “new computational method” to the study of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), so sharpening the generally fuzzy images to which neuroscience has been accustomed and enabling the distinction of up to 13 separate, colour-coded neural networks operating at any given time within the human […]
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After only a few months of compiling this library of blogs on matters of human and artificial intelligence, BAM has established its First Law of Smarts in the online world where these matters are discussed. Simply, the amount of intelligence employed in any act of communication will be in inverse proportion to the amount of […]
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A recent confluence of stories in the BAM intelligence feeds prompt musings about animal intelligence beyond what mere mortals can show, given sensory advantages that animals possess that could inspire their own advances in pattern recognition. Humans have evolved visual capabilities that have inspired advances in the arts and sciences that underpin much of what […]
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A professor at the People’s Liberation Army National Defence University in Beijing wrote an article entitled “As possibility of third world war exists, China needs to be prepared”. Reaction from 20 American experts affiliated with the New America Foundation appeared online under the title “Here’s the Defining National Security Question of Our Time”. Apart from […]
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In a fascinating article in the journal Nature, four specialists from the world of computer science and robotics address what the article’s sub-title misleading suggests are the “societal risks from intelligent machines”. As these contributors make clear from each of four distinct perspectives, the risks are clearly much less “from intelligent machines” and more from […]
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06 Aug 2015
Beware pre-Singularity marketing babble
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Computers aid in brain mapping
18 Jul 2015